About Us

About Us

About Our Firm’s

Sara Agro Foods is one of the India driving meat and poultry retail brand. All items are protected, sterile and without infection. Sara Agro Foods has its own handling plant at Lucknow where wellbeing and sterile test are kept up with while taking care of birds and creatures and without sickness. We give new, frozen and prepared to eat assortments of food varieties our outlets. We offer and intuitive in-store insight to clients and submit functional and item greatness which apply to each outlet.

At the center of Sara Agro Foods esteems is: to give protected, healthy, halal bison meat. That this meat must be liberated from illness and defilement should be obvious. We additionally guarantee quality and a long timeframe of realistic usability. Our wide collection of new and frozen halal boneless bison meat items are in-sync with the developing and most recent worldwide requests. We satisfy the Sara Agro Foods "quality" guarantee each time, attributable to our high level ability in different meat handling regions. We, collectively, have smoothed out a cycle that guarantees quality from start to finish. Excellent control and cleanliness guidelines plague each phase of our obtainment, assembling and capacity rehearses. Being doing speed with the most recent expertise in the business is one of our first concerns since that is the best way to keep our produce free of new infections and illnesses

Sara Agro Foods' cutting edge, coordinated abattoir-cum-handling plant ensures our clients get an incentive for cash. Our plant has offices that match worldwide norms of handling halal bison meat. The plant follows the most recent worldwide developments by incorporating the phases of butchering, handling, undeniable delivering, and profluent treatment. This makes Sara Agro Foods a trusted and dependable worldwide innovator in trades bison meat.


Our Clients

Mission & Vision


The premonition and long involvement with meat industry. Sara Agro Foods looking forward soon to raise the bison animals ranch to deliver the most secure, sterile, nature of bison meat items for shippers and shoppers. Our craving is to add a hypothesis into functional for the development of the meat business and product business.


To be the hub of the Sara Agro Foods, cultivating relationships to provide excellent beef products to our families and yours, upholding the highest standards of health and service.